Overview:  Youth are increasingly gaining regular exposure to generative AI in new AI-driven tools. One popular tool is ChatGPT. While new horizons in AI are exciting, text-based generative AI has limitations, such as producing (harmful) bias and misinformation. This workshop series supports youth in realizing generative AI's limitations through short interactive slides, questions that prompt discussion around when generative AI is (not) appropriate to use, and a guessing game about when ChatGPT outputs are correct or incorrect — the answers may surprise you!

Audience: Middle school-aged youth


Research Publication:

A guessing game prompts critical thought about (in)correct outputs of ChatGPT

Questions allow youth to consider ethical applications of generative AI

This slide deck has all activities included to learn about the basics of generative AI, ChatGPT, and questions about its ethical applications. Learners can be provided with pen and paper for the guessing game.
